Urban Biodiversity and Design 2025
URBIO Australia Conference, Perth, Australia 31 July-2 August 2025
URBIO Partners Conferences
International Federation of Landscape Architects
IFLA 2025 Congress in Nantes, France
10-12 September 2025
Normal fee = 150€
Reduced/Stakeholders = 100€
Students = 50€
The fee should be paid in advance as bank transfer to the following bank account by 1 October 2020: Bank account details:
Account title: URBIO conference 2020 Berlin
IBAN: BE55 9670 5503 5944
Please write your “full name” and “URBIO conference 2020 Berlin” as purpose (reference) of transfer (e.g. Last Name_First Name_URBIO conference 2020 Berlin).
The fee includes coffee breaks, refreshments, and the travel to and from excursion sites.
reduced conference fee is foreseen for retired people, unemployed and stakeholders.
Participants from less developed economies can apply for a discount. They are required to submit an application together with the registration form. The decision for fee discount will be made on case-by-case basis.
For any question you can contact the organisers: Dr. Maria Ignatieva (maria.ignatieva@uwa.edu.au) and Dr. Diana Dushkova (diana.dushkova@geo.hu-berlin.de)