Urban Biodiversity and Design 2025
URBIO Australia Conference, Perth, Australia 31 July-2 August 2025
URBIO Partners Conferences
International Federation of Landscape Architects
IFLA 2025 Congress in Nantes, France
10-12 September 2025
Opportunity for open-access publications
Special issue of Land (ISSN 2073-445X)
Research in Urban Ecology: Application into Landscape Design and Green Infrastructure
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 29 February 2024
Urban ecology covers a wide range of research from urban heat island effect, air and soil pollution, hydrology, soil science to urban vegetation and wildlife. Urban ecological knowledge is one of the keys for designing sustainable urban green areas and creating integrated green infrastructures.
This special issue welcomes the articles on the following research themes:
Dynamic character of plant communities as a foundation for ecological design;
Designing for urban wildlife;
Urban forest for cooling cities. Ecological and design considerations;
Urban trees for humans and wildlife;
Nature-based solutions for urban areas: ecological and social considerations.
We look forward to receiving your original research articles and reviews.
Special Issue Editors
Prof. Dr. Maria Ignatieva
Guest Editor
School of Design, The University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth 6009, Australia
Interests: urban ecology; urban biodiversity and design; landscape architecture; green infrastructure; garden history; garden restoration
Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Interests: landscape ecology; environmental sociology; human-environmental interaction; urban ecosystem services; nature-based solutions; therapeutic landscape
Urban Biodiversity and Design Theme in MDPI Journals
The ongoing process of urban sprawl and densification of many cities worldwide has a negative impact on biodiversity, posing challenges to the existence of urban and native ecosystems and the survival of species within cities. In this regard, developing biodiversity-friendly cities is acknowledged as an essential element of sustainable urban development, resilience, and human wellbeing. This Topic is aiming to demonstrate and discuss the value of urban biodiversity in providing ecosystem services and the role of design and planning in mitigating urban environmental pressure on biodiversity. We also focus on the variety of approaches/pathways/perspectives developed in order to better understand and reinforce biodiversity in the urban environment; methods for assessing/evaluating urban biodiversity and practical measures for designing, restoring, and maintaining biodiversity in urban areas; interdisciplinary researches related to urban biodiversity; practical applications and guidelines related to urban biodiversity; theoretical overviews; cases studies of realised projects that are relevant to urban biodiversity and design. We welcome contributions that deal with the following topics:
biological, cultural, and social values of urban biodiversity (linked to ecosystem services);
urban flora and fauna, how to integrate nature into the urban neighborhood and achieve the balance (human–nature interaction);
biodiversity-sensitive landscape design actions and other approaches/best practices for better integration of biodiversity into the urban planning process and landscape architecture practice;
nature-based solutions and their multiple co-benefits linked to biodiversity aspects;
methodical approaches (e.g., a variety of participatory processes) and practical implications used to co-create biodiversity objectives with diverse stakeholders;
analysis, assessment, and evaluation of urban biodiversity linked to social and educational issues;
urban conservation policies and their implementation in the development of sustainable cities: practical measures for restoring and maintaining biodiversity in urban areas;
challenges and opportunities for the future of urban biodiversity (e.g., ongoing climate change, the impact of COVID-19 pandemics, other societal challenges).
Prof. Dr. Maria Ignatieva
Dr. Diana Dushkova
Prof. Dr. Charles Nilon
Topic Editors
Deadline for manuscript submissions was extended: 2024.
Prof. Dr. Maria Ignatieva E-Mail
Topic Editor
School of Design, The University of Western Australia (UWA), 6009 Perth, Australia
Interests: sustainable blue-green infrastructure; urban biodiversity and design; nature-based solutions
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Dr. Diana Dushkova E-Mail Website
Topic Editor
Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Interests: landscape ecology; environmental sociology; human-environmental interaction; urban ecosystem services; nature-based solutions; therapeutic landscape
Prof. Dr. Charles Nilon E-Mail Website
Topic Editor
School of Natural Resources 302 ABNR, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
Interests: urban wildlife ecology and conservation; human dimensions in natural resources
urban biodiversity
biodiversity-sensitive landscape design
sustainable design
nature-based solutions
resilient cities
Relevant Journals List


14.05 Days

17.79 Days

12.54 Days

15.35 Days

18.15 Days
Urban Science
Published Papers
This Topic is now open for submission.