Urban Biodiversity and Design 2025
URBIO Australia Conference, Perth, Australia 31 July-2 August 2025
URBIO Partners Conferences
International Federation of Landscape Architects
IFLA 2025 Congress in Nantes, France
10-12 September 2025
URBIO Conference 2020 has been postponed
Due to the current COVID -19 situation, the URBIO Conference 2020 is postponed to December 2021. We will keep updating about the due date for the abstract submission. Thanks for your support of our URBIO Network in this challenging time.
2020 Conference of URBIO-International Network Urban Biodiversity and Design Integrating Biodiversity in Urban Planning and Design Processes
Humboldt University Berlin 3-5 December 2020
The main conceptual theme of this conference is integrating biodiversity to the urban planning and design process. Our growing cities, their future health and prosperity directly depends on the integrity of urban planners, architects and landscape architects. In most cases of urban ecology research, we are having deal with already created (designed) urban landscapes. The goal of this conference is to exchange conceptual ideas and results of theoretical and practical applications. How can urban ecologists make stronger connections to the planning of our cities and participating in architectural and landscape design process at different scales: from Master plan to a park or neighbourhood, or urban forest or private garden? How urban ecologists can be more actively involved in the interdisciplinary teams in the city’s administration and work in close connections with citizens fulfilling goals of protection and reinforcing urban biodiversity?
The conference will be running in three days (two days of presentation’s, workshop and discussions and a day of field trip to Berlin parks (demonstration of ecological design principles). Day three will be concluded by the final session. There will be also poster session and poster’s display.
Conference themes:
Day One
• integration of biodiversity in urban planning and landscape design projects.
• Case studies of successful integration of design and ecology.
• What do we mean by biophilic cities, sustainable cities, ecological design, design with Nature and Nature Based Solutions? How these innovative concepts can be integrated into everyday urban planning and design practice?
Day Two
• urban ecology participation in city’s master’s plans, neighbourhood projects and initiatives.
• Mechanism of increasing biodiversity in urban areas. Protection and conservation strategies.
Day Three
• Conference excursions in Berlin.
Call for abstracts.
Abstracts will go through the process of peer-reviewed process with involving URBIO Advisory Board and following publication of the book of abstract and the conference programme, which will be available at the beginning of the conference.
After the conference the academic book “Integrating Biodiversity in Urban Planning and Design Processes” based on papers from the conference participants will be published in respectful academic publishers such as Springer or Francis and Taylor.